Saturday, April 28, 2012


When I found out I was pregnant my emotions were 50/50 - happy and excited but nervous and worried.  Even though this pregnancy is going differently there is always this lurking worry - will the outcome of this pregnancy be the same as the past?  Monday, April 16 was my first ultrasound.  For the first time I was calm - not worried at all.  As my doctor started the ultrasound I saw her jaw drop and then I heard the words "THERE ARE 3 HEARTBEATS!"

Those words, the moment - was surprising, magical, perfect.  At 6w2d hearing a heartbeat isn't a guarantee.  Going into the appointment I hoped to see the yolk sac and fetal pole - signs that my baby was growing correctly.  The heartbeats blew me away - the "normal range" for this time is 90-110.  My babies had heartbeats of 114, 116 and 120.

Leaving the appointment I couldn't wait to share my news.  After 4 losses, heart beak, tears and a year of TTC triplets wasn't something I could keep a secret until the second trimester!  

Week 6 was pretty uneventful - lots of nausea, food aversions and excitement mixed with shock.  Exactly one week later we went to our second ultrasound.  At 7w2d I felt confident - I had all of the pregnancy symptoms and had definitely started to notice a bump.  My doctor repeated the same words: "THERE ARE 3 HEARTBEATS."  At 7w2d the babies were noticeably larger and had much stronger heartbeats at 141, 147 and 153.  

I was SO thrilled that things are progressing correctly!  Sadly, during my excitement my doctor recommended we "reduce" the triplets to twins.  At first I was sincerely confused by this recommendation - what the hell does it mean to reduce?  Well, reduction is a nice word for abort.  Andy and I are definitely against this option - although there are risks associated with a triplet pregnancy I could not follow through with this option!  

Leaving the appointment I felt a great wave of confidence that things will go well for this pregnancy!  For the next 5 weeks we will have weekly ultrasounds to check the growth of each baby.  I am SO excited to see their growth, hear their heartbeats and prepare for the second trimester!  We will continue to see our fertility doctor until 12 weeks as well as a high risk ob/gyn.  I have also been referred to a nutritionist who will help me figure out how to eat enough for all 4 of us!  My most exciting adventure, however, is not the doctor appointments.  During week 8 I am going to buy a digital fetal doppler ... I CAN'T WAIT to listen to their little heartbeats at home! :) 

1 comment:

  1. I am sooo, so very happy for you. What an amazing gift to be blessed with 3 wonderful heartbeats. Take care and enjoy your happiness, you deserve it :)
