Saturday, April 7, 2012

One Step Closer ... literally.

It has certainly been a long time since I've posted!  I've been doing some personal reflection and meditation on our future!  The "Clomid Challenge" was great - we FINALLY got the answers we have been waiting so long to hear.  Our doctor was extremely optimistic and gave us three choices.  She said it was our choice how aggressive we want to be: clomid, IUI or IVF.  Here is the breakdown of the options:

*Clomid: $50/month - take hormone drugs, have timed sex - pretty easy but 100% trial and error

*IUI: ~$6K/month - Andy gives me hormone injections, Andy gives a sperm sample, our doctor injects the sperm into 2 of the best eggs I produce - while this would have better success no testing is done on the eggs so it is kind of a trial and error approach

*IVF: ~20K/month - very invasive - Andy gives me hormone injections, Andy gives a sperm sample, I have a surgery to collect my eggs (so to speak), my eggs are tested and combined with Andy's sperm, only the 2 best eggs are implanted - less trial and error but extremely expensive!

Even though we got "good news" - that there are options it is still hard to make a choice.  What is the best choice for us?  How can we make a decision that is safe for my body and won't put us into debt that disables our future?  Where do you draw the line?  How much is "too much money" to have a baby?  LUCKILY WE DIDN'T HAVE TO THINK ABOUT THESE CHOICES FOR VERY LONG ...

1 Samuel 1:27: "I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him."

God has a mysterious way of showing you what path is best.  And on 8DPO (yes, only 8 days past ovulation) I got a POSITIVE PREGNANCY TEST!  I have to admit with each pregnancy the excitement becomes harder to accept.  I am excited but with reservations - how many times can my heart be broken?

I have debated, the last 2 weeks, sharing this news.  Is it too soon?  What if something happens?

I've decided to maintain a positive attitude - pray, talk to my growing embryo, pray more and share my exciting news because truth be told I am grateful to have a support system that is here for the good news and the bad.

So far, only good!  No cramps, no spotting and SOARING hcg levels!

9dpo: hcg was 129 and progesterone was 80+
11 dpo: hcg was 474 and progesterone was still 80+
13 dpo: hcg was 1464 and progesterone was 100+
Our first ultrasound is Monday, April 16 and I am anxious for a positive ultrasound experience!  Since I made TWO eggs on clomid this ultrasound will reveal if there is one bun in the oven or two!  I am just hoping for a healthy pregnancy and will be grateful for any blessing but twins certainly sounds like an adventure!  <3

*Although I am excited to share on my personal blog I am waiting to share on Facebook until after our ultrasounds on April 16 and April 30 so thank you for your secrecy!


  1. Twins ARE an adventure, but a very fun adventure! Not sure that my Fairy Godmother wand works for this situation so I will pray you continue to be healthy and happy. :)

  2. I just want to say I hope everything, and I mean everything works out for you!!! I'm so happy to hear you are pregnant and will be sending positive thoughts and prayers your way *fingers crossed*

    1. Thank You, Crystal!!! I am SO anxious and nervous for our ultrasound! :)
